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Numbers about Parkinson's & Deep Brain Stimulation Patients
  • Number of Parkinson's Patients

    It is estimated that there are over 10 million Parkinson's patients worldwide. In Turkey, there are more than 150,000 Parkinson's patients.

  • Average Age of Diagnosis

    Parkinson's disease is generally observed in individuals aged 60 and above. However, in 5% to 10% of patients, the onset age of the disease is between 20 and 50. Genetic factors should be investigated in young patients. The presence of Parkinson's disease in a parent or sibling increases the risk of developing the disease in that person.

  • Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery

    10-15% of Parkinson's patients become candidates for surgery in the long term. Take a look at the news in the press!

Frequently asked Questions

Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder that occurs due to a deficiency of a substance called dopamine in the brain, typically encountered in advanced age...

Dystonia is a neurological disorder characterized by muscle contractions in different areas of the body, resulting in movement impairments. Due to the malfunctioning of the movement control centers in the brain, muscle contractions occur in various parts of the body in this disease. The initial symptoms include handwriting difficulties, cramp-like contractions in the hands or feet, and the neck spasms, turning to one side or backwards.

Being one of the most common movement disorders worldwide, Essential Tremor is a type of tremor that occurs during daily routine activities such as eating or drinking water. Although these tremors are more frequently observed in younger individuals, about half of the cases have a hereditary nature and can be passed on to children through genetic inheritance.

The initial treatment for Parkinson's and all other movement disorders is drug therapy. In cases where drug therapy is inadequate or severe medication side effects occur, Deep Brain Stimulation treatment provides promising results.


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100 Years of Legacy Event

Deep Brain Stimulation Association (BeyPilDer), in collaboration with Şamdan Plus, organized a magnificent event at Raffles Istanbul to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Republic. At the "100 Years of Legacy Event" BeyPilDer President Aysel Akar and association members presented a spectacular waltz performance. Patients who regained their social lives with DBS delivered a #Don'tDetachFromLife message to all guests. The evening was further enhanced by a special 100th-anniversary collection fashion show by the renowned designer Cihan Nacar.

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Powerful Women Defying Parkinson’s

In the scope of the activities for International Women's Day on March 8th, organized by the DBS Patients Association (BeyPilDer), a group of strong women who challenge Parkinson's with DBS came together under the hosting of Aysel Akar, the President of BeyPilDer.

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#ParkinsonIsNotTheEnd #DoNotDisconnectFromLifeWithDBS

BeyPilDer, in collaboration with designer Ceylan İnsel, has embarked on a delightful social responsibility project to raise awareness about Parkinson’s disease and DBS treatment on World Parkinson’s Day, April 11th. İnsel brought t-shirts to life with a pattern of hyacinth flowers.

This pattern symbolizes the joy of life for Parkinson’s patients, and while the flower of life represents their valuable lives, where they that continue from where they left off  with DBS treatment after overcoming all the challenges of this disease. Prominent figures from business, art, and society who painted the t-shirts shared their photos with the hashtags #ParkinsonIsNotTheEnd and #DoNotDisconnectFromLifeWithDBS, generating significant attention on social media.

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Parkinson Patients Gathered at Table Tennis Tournament

Parkinson patients came together at a table tennis tournament organized by the DBS Patients Association (BEYPİLDER). In addition to patients who have regained their social lives through DBS surgery, patients fighting Parkinson's disease, Bodrum Veteran Table Tennis Sports Club Association, Bodrum Disabled Health Foundation, and table tennis enthusiasts also participated in the tournament held in Bodrum.

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“Rağmen Mavi”

Prof. Dr. Ali İsmail Türemen's exhibition titled "Rağmen Mavi" can be visited at İş Sanat Kibele Gallery from May 15 to June 30, 2018. Throughout his artistic career, Prof. Dr. Ali İsmail Türemen has organized nearly 40 solo exhibitions, participated in numerous group exhibitions and biennales, and received numerous awards for his works.

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Success Stories
Stories of patients who have battled Parkinson's disease and movement disorders for years and regained their former healthy days with Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS).
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